The Indonesian Journal of Shariah and Justice (IJSJ) welcomes strong evidence-based empirical studies and results-focused case studies that share research in product development and clarify best practices. The journal is the only title aiming to give an interdisciplinary and holistic view on Shariah or Islamic Law. The title is also keen to consider work from emerging authors. The scope of this journal includes Islamic law, Islamic family law, Islamic economy, maqashid shariah, anthropology of law, sociology of law, anthropology and sociology of Islamic economy.

The Editorial Board warmly invites lecturers and researchers to submit and publish articles through this journal.

Journal Title : Indonesian Journal of Shariah and Justice
Abbreviation : IJSJ
Frequency : Twice a year
Accredited : -
DOI : 10.46339/ijsj
ISSN : 2808-9901 (Online) | XXXX-XXXX (Printed)
Editor-in-Chief : Fatum Abubakar [SINTA ID: 6784004 | Garuda ID: 218477 | Google Scholar | Scopus ID: 57730178300]
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, Program Pascasajarna, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ternate
Language : English and Indonesia
Indexed by : GarudaGoogle Scholar | Moraref | Crossref | Cite Factor | DRJI | Scilit | Dimensions

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-28
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